Breathing and body scanning are exercises that can be considered meditation, relaxation exercises, or stress reduction exercises. The exercise does not take more than 10 minutes. It can be done anywhere you are able to sit and can be modified if you stand. Essentially it can be done anywhere! Let’s begin.
For each exercise focus on the stretch and your breaths (at least one to two for each stretch) in and out.
- Raise your eyebrows
- Squint your eyes
- Clench your teeth and pull the corners of your mouth to your ears
- Bring your chin to your chest
- Bring your ears to your shoulder (right, then left, left, then right)
- Pull your arms back and bring your elbows to your side
- Make a fist and pull up your wrist
- Pull your shoulder blades together
- Pull your belly button toward your spine
- Squeeze your knees together
- Point your toes toward your face
- Turn your feet inward and outward
Whatever it was that had you stressed, let it go. If you still feel the stress you can repeat the exercise or increase the number of breaths, you give to each stretch.